Hugh's Blog

数据库密码包含 HTML 实体的一个小坑


今天安装 OpenCart 模板的时候,在输入数据库信息这一步报账号密码错误,但是测试过数据库是能够连接的,感觉好奇怪

定位到安装模板时数据库连接的代码 (主题支持的 OpenCart 版本比较旧)

if ($this->request->post['db_driver'] == 'mysql') {
	if (!$connection = @mysql_connect($this->request->post['db_host'], $this->request->post['db_user'], $this->request->post['db_password'])) {
		$this->error['warning'] = 'Error: Could not connect to the database please make sure the database server, username and password is correct!';
	} else {
		if (!@mysql_select_db($this->request->post['db_name'], $connection)) {
			$this->error['warning'] = 'Error: Database does not exist!';


账号密码都是 POST 过来的,看起来没什么问题,把代码改成直接填密码看下

if ($this->request->post['db_driver'] == 'mysql') {
	if (!$connection = @mysql_connect('localhost', 'username', 'password')) {
		$this->error['warning'] = 'Error: Could not connect to the database please make sure the database server, username and password is correct!';
	} else {
		if (!@mysql_select_db('db_name', $connection)) {
			$this->error['warning'] = 'Error: Database does not exist!';


之前测试数据库是能通过的,所以安装应该是能完成的,但是安装完之后打开网站却又显示数据库连接密码错误,查看下 config 配置文件,看到数据库密码就知道原因了,因为我之前的密码包含 HTML 实体,比如 123&456,在提交表单获取密码后变成了 123&456,所以密码就是错误的,不知道这是 OpenCart 的问题还是其他的什么原因,记录一下,免得又跳坑